Jul 06 2022

Relation between Aquarius 3 and dehydration

Water is the single largest component of the human body, making up 50 to 80 per cent, and it plays a vital role in most bodily functions.

When a person is dehydrated, the plasma or the liquid component of the blood decreases and the red blood cell concentration increases.

If you are dehydrated, the amount of blood circulating through your body decreases so your heart tries to compensate for this by beating faster, thus increasing your heart rate. This places strain on the heart as it needs to work harder than normal.

Contact your health care provider if you (or someone under your care) experience any of the following symptoms:

•             Rapid heartbeat and breathing

•             Sunken eyes

•             Lack of tears when crying

•             Elastosis (loss of skin elasticity)

•             Sunken fontanel (soft spot on a baby’s head)

•             Delirium

•             Low blood pressure



Aquarius 3 

Aquarius 3 gives reliable detection of the Hematocrit

Why is Monitoring Hematocrit Important?

Many diseases can be detected by testing the Hematocrit. Shock, severe burns, dehydration and severe diarrhea can all lower the water content of the body and consequently the plasma levels in the blood. This decrease in plasma causes an increase in the Hematocrit, the ratio of red blood cells to volume in the blood. High Hematocrit levels in an emergency setting are treated with the administration of plasma thus restoring the red cell to volume ratio of the blood.